Matteo Lorenzini
ehemaliger wissenschaftlicher Assistent
Curriculum vitae
Available in German only.
Matteo Lorenzini is Scientific Collaborator and Semantic Architect of gta Digital at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich.
Matteo Lorenzini studied in classic and holds a degree in medieval archaeology from the University of Pisa. He was research assistant in EPOCH project at University of Florence (until 2006). Subsequently he was information architect and project manager at Cultura Italia, the Italian Digital Library of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage (until 2013). Until recently, Matteo Lorenzini was a senior researcher in PARTHENOS project (Austrian Academy of Sciences, until 2019). His research centers on the semantic description of cultural heritage resources and metadata curation.
Matteo Lorenzini is Scientific Collaborator and Semantic Architect of gta Digital at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich.
Matteo Lorenzini studied in classic and holds a degree in medieval archaeology from the University of Pisa. He was research assistant in EPOCH project at University of Florence (until 2006). Subsequently he was information architect and project manager at Cultura Italia, the Italian Digital Library of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage (until 2013). Until recently, Matteo Lorenzini was a senior researcher in PARTHENOS project (Austrian Academy of Sciences, until 2019). His research centers on the semantic description of cultural heritage resources and metadata curation.